Falling For You

Wawan Yap



How can I express beauty of Your holiness
Turned my life around
Keep me safe and sound
The way You touch my heart
The way You touch my mind
Made me realize

How great, how wonderful You are
My soul will stand amazed before You

Every time I see Your face
I’m falling for You
Every time I hear Your voice
I’m falling for You
Oh Lord how much I adore You
Your love has changed my life
Every time I’m touched by You I fell for You
I’m falling for You

Like the waters in the river
Flowing to the sea
That’s how Your love goes
Deep inside of me
As long as I’m alive
I will glorify the wonders of You

Jika ada lirik yang salah atau kalian punya chord gitar, piano sheet, youtube link buat lagu ini, tolong hubungi kami di: info [at] lembahpujian.com