

Lord we know thant you are in this place
When you're near,we are filled with grace
We lift our hands  and proclaim you are king
Your power flow like rivers when we sing
Lord we long to see your glory fall on us
This generation's ready to recive
There's gonne be a R(evol)ution
There's gonne be a desperation
There's gonna be astiring and outpouring
Of your love
Threre's gonna be a restoration
There's gonna be a liberation
There ‘s gonna be an awakening thant swept
Across this land.
We lift  our generation before you
With passion for jesus we'll go through
For just one cause to lift your name on high
So you can quickly come as reigning king.

Jika ada lirik yang salah atau kalian punya chord gitar, piano sheet, youtube link buat lagu ini, tolong hubungi kami di: info [at] lembahpujian.com