Your Love


Unknown Album


Feat Gita Gutawa

everytime i close my eyes
and say my prayer at night
i thank god each day for your love
that gives me wings to fly up high
to reach my dream aim for the sky
you always said

your head up high
smile on your face and wish
that you will always be loved
the stars will lead you every step you take
dont you ever be afraid
believe in you
and ill be there to guide you wherever you may go

thank you for you love forever
when im down and te thigs go wrong
the world againts me too
i close my eyes and think of you
and knew waht you would say now

your head up high
smile on your face and wish that you will always be loved
the star will lead you every step you take
dont you ever be afraid
believe in you
and ill be there to guide you wherever you may go away
giving me my wings to fly high

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